Delivery Policy for TJOR


TJöR has partnered with PUDO/The Courier Guy to deliver your parcel. In order to best manage expectations, please have a look at the below guidelines:

Pudo Locker Delivery


  • Free Pudo locker delivery for orders over R550 countrywide*.
  • R60 delivery fee for orders below R550.
  • *Excl Body Parts and items weighing > 20 kg’s or bigger than Maxi Pudo Locker
  • *Items exceeding Maxi Pudo Locker size and weight will be charged at R100 plus standard R20 per kg exceeding Maxi Locker weight.

Delivery Timetables

• Standard dispatch days are 3-5 days. Where items are not in-store please allow 1-2 extra days. Public holidays excluded.

PUDO delivery typically takes between 1 and 4 working days. Please take note that PUDO do not do deliveries on weekends.You will get notified once your parcel is ready for collection at the locker nearest to you.

You have to collect your parcel from the locker within 24 hours of receiving the ‘Ready For Collection’ notification.


Please note: Whereas we will do our best to deliver your order as quickly as possible, TJöR will not be held responsible for delays outside of our control.Please note further, that although there are rare cases when a product is listed as being in stock but we are unable to locate it, we will endeavor to communicate this as soon as it is brought to our attention and supply an alternative or refund the purchase.